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Image lampe Clarteh Lonaeh salon


Improves your visual comfort

lampe de bureau Clarteh Lonaeh
pictogramme confort visuel Lonaeh

Visual comfort


Professional lighting and light intensity variation device.

Avec sa baladeuse en bois aimantée, apportez la juste touche de lumière d'appoint que vous souhaitez, là où vous le souhaitez.

Clarteh is a 100% repairable lamp at the end of its life. It can also be manufactured on demand at your home!

pictogramme flexible Lonaeh


Wooden lamp repositionable on other items in the Conforteh collection

pictogramme approvisionnement local Lonaeh


Fabrication locale avec de nombreux partenariats en France comme à l'international

Pour améliorer votre confort visuel

Sustainable performance

Equipped with a light module made up of professional LEDs, this module assembled near our factories is completely dismantled and repairable .
An eco-design approach
that allows us to guarantee several long lives for the Clarteh lamp.

détail lampe de bureau Clarteh Lonaeh
usinage bois Lonaeh Clarteh

Ecological manufacturing



Clarteh is a lamp designed to be manufactured close to your home. Its manufacture mobilizes traditional trades that we have brought together in a network both in France and internationally to satisfy you.

label eco impact Lonaeh

Les différentes options

pictogramme essence de bois Lonaeh

Essence de bois


Proposée en Frêne


Choisissez votre essence de bois, nos ébénistes sauront la mettre en valeur

pictogramme piètement Lonaeh

Color and size of the base

Available in matte black steel

Adapt the color of your base to your desires

pictogramme intensité Lonaeh

Lighting intensity


A dimmer is integrated into this lamp to optimize your visual comfort (included as standard)

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